Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Visualize and Set YOUR Mind

What is it about the holidays that brings out the "very best" in people? You know....the ones that cut you off in traffic, let the door slam in your face and forget that you are "the customer!" All of this not to mention FAMILY! The grumblings from Great Grandma Edna, catering to Uncle Sal's constant demands, and the "constructive" criticism from your second cousin's, sister-in-law's wife.... Hahaha! The funny part is that we probably fit into those categories in someone else's life. Yikes!

In order to navigate stressful situations, it is necessary to prepare your mind for success and visualize all things working together for a good result! Implement these two techniques into your life and you will begin to see changes immediately.

VISUALIZE A POSITIVE OUTCOME - Stop anticipating the worst case scenario and begin to expect good things to happen. Its like shopping for a Camaro. Once you've set your mind and begun to search for one, you will see them everywhere! It's the same with good and bad in our lives. Look for the good in everyone and everything and you will begin to see more good than bad in your day!

SET YOUR MIND AHEAD OF TIME - When negativity does come your way, you have a tremendous amount of control over how those troubles affect you. It is YOUR attitude that gives trials and tribulations the power to change your outlook, alter your path, and bring you down. Decide when you get out of bed in the morning that you are going to have a great day regardless of the troubles that come your way!

Remember all good habits take time to form. Be patient with yourself and keep working to renew your mind... You have nothing to lose and your "mind" to gain! "LIVE A POWERFUL LIFE!"

 - Kim Hoff, Hope Coach,

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