Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Let Jesus be Your Compass

It is not always easy to go where God wants us to go. Sometimes the journey is uncomfortable and the stops along the way are not very glamorous. Our world is constantly changing and it isn't always easy to do "the right thing." I don't always want to do "the next thing." Sometimes I just want to curl up in a ball with my ipod and leave the world behind for awhile. Hence, Facebook... Hahaha! But, I have found that if I will go where God is leading me the blessings will be abundant and the trip will be worth the price of travel.

To walk the narrow path these days is getting harder and harder. There are so many temptations to avoid and choices to make. And, just because you choose to take the road less traveled doesn't mean that there won't be thorns along the way. Even beautiful garden paths have rosebushes with thorns! Along my journey on the narrow path I have also found that there are many gates and some of them are rusty and refuse to open. I'm a bit tenacious though and have found that you just have to climb over the ones that won't open. It is not always God that closes them, but that's a story for another day! I try to keep my eyes on the purpose for my journey and keep trudging along even if I am afraid of what lies ahead or the path is hidden by fog.

In stepping out beyond my comfort zone and pushing through the muck along the way, I have found that although we choose our path, God directs our steps. One of the reasons I have found for this guidance is so that we don't miss the stepping stones. If we keep our eyes open, seeking Jesus, holding our thoughts accountable to the Word of God (comparing them to what the Bible says), and move forward in faith (no matter how we feel emotionally), then He will show us the stepping stones sprinkled with the gold from the streets of Heaven! I have had a glimpse of glory! I have peeked into all righteousness and experienced the sensation of majesty and peace! Heaven is not far away from us. The treasures we build when we follow God are not kept in some distant place for a much later date! God will show you the gifts awaiting you and allow you to share in his kingdom NOW, if you will trust him.

Choose the narrow path and let Jesus to be your compass! Keep your eyes wide open for all that He wants to show you. Push forward toward your purpose in life and don't let the roses distract you, the thorns entangle you or the gates stop you! You are God's  child and he is waiting for you to notice the glorious gold sprinkled along your path. He wants you to know you are loved and he wants to bless you NOW! Don't miss any of it!

God bless you today on your journey. May you find each golden stepping stone Jesus has set before you!

Kim Hoff
Revelation Revolution