Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Confidence Crisis - A Journey to Loving the Beautiful You

After talking with a good friend at our children’s high school football game last night, I began to watch the interactions of the people around me. I watched the teenagers trying so hard to fit in with one another and thought about some of the people I’d seen around town this week; our politicians, drivers on the road, people kidnapping children, elder abuse, even the T.V. shows bombarding our children on the so-called “safe” networks. Adults are no longer polite to eachother. Children are “mouthing-off” to their parents and teachers. Most everyone seems to carry a sense of “entitlement” to have the best of everything whether they have worked for it or not. The bottom line is that we have lost our self-confidence and we are constantly fighting to prove our self-worth to others and ourselves. Our society is such a mess because most people are suffering in silence. They don’t realize who they are and why they were created…Because I feel that this topic is a huge part of the call on my own life, this will be an on-going topic on my blog. My hope is that as God enlightens me more I will be able to share it with you and that some part of this will encourage you in your life. My experience is that confidence is like a pebble being thown into a pool of still water. The initial circle of water hugs the pebble when it enters the water and then ripples outward into the pool. When a person feels good about who they are, that goodness moves to those around them and the cycle continues grow!

Confidence is an inner gift designed by God that allows us to understand our worth as His child; being created in His image. The world that we live in is so competitive that over time we have lost our ability to refocus our energy from within ourselves. We look constantly for outside sources to give us our perception of self-worth and to regenerate our energy. We are bombarded by “the pretty people” on magazine covers and television, professional athletes, and constant elbows to our sides from people just trying to “get ahead” at work or even at the grocery store.

The exciting part of all of this competition is that each one of us is designed to “win.” We are children of the King, the One True God, the Creator of All the World and “the Kingdom belongs to such as these!” It is time to realize our potential, our power, our purpose and to claim the inheritance awaiting us. The glory of Heaven is not for later in a place far away… The joy of our Lord is here and it is for us to experience now in this life! Walk with me on this journey of recovery. All of your hurts and insecurities can be handed to our Healer. He is strong enough to hold your pain, heal your wounds, and make you whole! Take refuge, my friends. His glory was created to be manifest in you. The path ahead is bright and His plan for you is magnificent! You don’t have to wait any longer to open the gifts he’s placed within you. YOU are beautiful and YOU have much to share… Put on your seatbelt for a very exciting adventure. Your life won’t be the same and you’ll be glad you took His hand for the ride!

Living in my Happy Hour,