Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Boost Your Mental Focus

Welcome to 2013! With the turning of the calendar to a new year, inevitably comes the wiping of our blurry eyes to gain a new, fresh life vision. It is so easy to get overwhelmed by the emotions we leave behind in 2012 and the excitement and possibilities of all that 2013 holds. "Out with the old and in with the new," right? Well, that is a lot of work and takes a lot of mental focus!

We are created to handle difficult situations, but prioritizing them when everything seems to be knocking on your door at the same time can be stressful. The kids are bored, the Christmas decorations need to come down, things are falling apart at work, the phone keeps ringing, text messages are loading up on your phone, the dog is sick, Aunt Lilly wants you to come visit and all you really want to do is pull the blanket up to your chin, watch movies, and eat junk food (not to mention you haven't begun the work-out schedule you listed as your New Year's Resolution)!

Listed below are three simple things you can do to FOCUS YOUR MIND:

Replace Old Thought Patterns with New Thought Habits
Its not just about thinking positive thoughts, its about recognizing thought patterns. Do you let your mind spin out of control in negative directions? Do you amplify "the bad" until it is "the worst" in your mind? You know.... "I shouldn't have eaten that cookie! That was a bad choice. I just can't do this with all the holiday food around. I should just eat another one because I already blew it today! I'm not going to fit in my jeans, the buttons are going to pop off! I'm such a mess... My entire life is out of control. I give up!" - ever do that to yourself?

STOP allowing negative thought patterns to beat you up! PUT a POSITIVE THOUGHT in IT'S PLACE ON PURPOSE! Replace it with thoughts like: "I shouldn't have eaten that cookie, but its okay. No biggie. I work out hard and I'm still on track. A few more squats tonight before bed!" THE ONLY WAY TO GET RID OF A BAD HABIT IS TO REPLACE IT WITH A GOOD HABIT!

Take Mental Mini-Vacations
Make time through out the day to "quiet your mind." Make time to allow yourself just 60 seconds of relaxed breathing. Intentionally take your mind to another location that is peaceful for you. My peaceful place is the beach. I often go there mentally and gift myself that mini-vacation. I visualize the ocean lapping the beach and the sun setting over the horizon. I can feel the warm sand between my toes and hear the seagulls calling to each other over the pier. There is a gentle breeze blowing warmly across my face and in the distance I see a small fishing boat gently rocking in the waves..... - And....I feel better already! Take in every sensory aspect of your mini-vacation; really GO THERE and release your tension. You'll be amazed at the affect it has on your entire body. Your breathing is calm, your heart rate comfortable.... This is a good thing to do several times a day. MAKE THIS A HABIT!

Put Good Stuff in Your Head
Similar to positive thinking, but this is purposefully taking in the goodness around you and becoming part of it. There is enough bad stuff all around us to depress the most uplifting thinker, but there is also some really beautiful things happening that we miss. You may have already begun smiling, saying "Hello" or holding doors open for strangers; "paying it forward" by buying lunch for an unsuspecting friend; calling Uncle Joe just to brighten his day. But, did you really take in what you did or did you just let it go? YOU WERE PART OF SOMETHING GOOD! You made a positive difference today! KEEP TRACK OF THE GOOD IN YOUR WORLD and STOP KEEPING TRACK OF ALL THE BAD STUFF! It will change your outlook on life!

It only takes one simple thought to throw us completely off-track! Remember these simple tips and really practice them! It takes repetition to replace any habit, but setting new mental habits can be the key you've been searching for to really make great progress this year. BOOST YOUR MENTAL FOCUS! Don't give in and NEVER GIVE UP! You were designed and created to "Live A Powerful Life!" Now, GO GET 'EM!!

Happy New Year

- Kim Hoff, Hope Coach,

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