Thursday, May 10, 2012

"How are you?"

We live in a society where it is common for people to ask, "How are you doing?" And... the canned response is, "I'm good. How are you?" When in all truth, we may be very far from "good." We don't want people to know that we are struggling. We assume that everyone else's life is perfect and so there is NO WAY we are going to tell them that our's is not!

I admit that through the trials in my life I have learned to look at whatever "bright side" remains in any situation and that speaking positive statements out of my own mouth leads my brain to a positive conclusion and my  outlook will follow. (Col 3:17) This being said, I have also learned that the more transparently I am willing to live my life and share my story, the more others let down their guard and share theirs as well. It is then that healing takes place and we find that we are much more alike than different in the pain and suffering we experience.

Now, I am not advocating that you go "dump your junk" on the next person who asks how you are doing! Be sensitive to the context of the situation, listen to the intent behind the other person's questions about your life, and, if appropriate, don't be afraid to share the truth (briefly). End your response on a hopeful note acknowledging to yourself and them that through Christ you "can handle this" and expect good things to happen! (Phil 4:12-13) Maybe even ask if they have faced a similar situation. You never know what trials other people are facing and how your honesty could break-off the intimidation and overwhelming feelings of failure that their problem weighs on them!

Take a moment to breathe and realize that your struggles (past and present) are "common to man." (1 Cor. 10:13) We all face troubles at different times in our lives. Sharing how you survived them, taking down the "Wall of Perfection," and allowing other people to be real with you is a huge gift of being part of the "new body of Christ." We are one body meant to function together to feel whole! (Eph 2:17-21)

God bless you on your journey and don't forget that you were created to "LIVE A POWERFUL LIFE!"

- Kim Hoff

P.S. Learn more about how to LIVE A POWERFUL LIFE by visiting us on the following websites and upcoming events: (Kim's Bio and June 2012 Event: Bootcamp2Beautiful)

1 comment:

  1. Live a life without the masks that separate us from each other Be real, love one another, with all of our faults and flaws. You are right in saying there is healing when we bear one another's burdens. Someday you may hear my testimony of healing, transformation and restoration that was only possible through an openness with my local church body.
